Sunday, August 8, 2010


My godson just celebrated his 2nd birthday and I had such a cute picture from visiting him last weekend that I could not make something with it!!!

After a little photo shop help I think it turned out pretty darn sweet....who doesn't love a red head!!!!
Now if I could remember what actions I used that would probably help you alot more!  LOL!  It may have been Pioneer Woman's Fresh and Colorful or Lovely and Ethereal.  I do know I did a quick edge burn at the end tho!
This is the final picture......pretty darn cute!

Because I have an OCD with Brag book pages and had to make him one....
Then Mom wanted it as a thank you card so here it is....
This page was a freebie from Chelle's Creations Birthday party!  From one of her team named Tanya  Thanks so much ladies for the great week of birthday goodies!


Some more Project 52

Just a few more of Project 52 now that I am all caught up!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Better late than never

I am in absolute love with Just so Scrappy's work! It is amazing and when she has a deal to buy her whole store earlier this year I couldn't resist!!!

So when it came time to celebrate my DD's 5th birthday I knew exactly what we would do!!! We love anything girlie, bugs, fairies, garden and we had to use this...
So I set out to make her invites....

Not to bad for being pretty sick. Printed at our local Costco as 4x6's.
Our party then contained.....
A ladybug velvet inside cause I am sick and twisted that way!

Then we made Cake Pops we also made some with Oreo's (those were mt favorite!!!) then I found at the dollar store pencil cups in fuzzy pink....perfect to hold the cake pops!!!!The table had flowers and butterfly's scattered all over.

Then if you look close (cause I wasn't smart enough to take a picture of her goody bags this year) there are little flower pots in mini watering cans for the kids to take home. I made sure the pots were the type that can be planted straight into the ground for the planting illiterate!

Here are her two thank you cards one for her friends and one for her family (again 4x6 prints).....
This is the the art I made for her address labels.....
Here it is and I love the free software from Avery called Design Pro.....once you figure it out its pretty darn easy!!! Actually looking forward to making Christmas labels this year!

So just so you all know I am no way affiliated with Just so Scrappy.....just showing you how a kit can help you with your theme for a party from start to finish!
We finished off the back of the family envelopes with a round Avery sticker...
A beautiful picture from her professional birthday pictures.
Thanks for looking! Have a great weekend!

Wow it sure has been....

Wow it sure has been awhile. Sorry for that but when your daughter finally gets diagnosed (after 1 year) then i ended up in the hospital and a hunt for a new specialist and thro in summer holidays yah you really fall behind in things!

So as things slowly get back into the swing of things I will be posting more and more!
