This is the first year I am participating in this through on of the coupon groups I belong too. I am so excited to see what I get and I am so excite to send mine as I have the organizer of the exchange! I hope she likes her care package and bonus it is with in the province too! WoooHooo!
I can not share what is in the package as I am not sure if she reads this and if she doesn't I know there are others that do read this that may spill the beans! So the only thing I can tell you is there is a tea towel in the package! LOL!
I think it turned out pretty darn good....Used
Chocolate Overload from Gotta Pixel (The link is to the Pixel Club - to get the kit you have to be a member!)
Hope you like it and I hope I survive the night as I am swelling up so bad that my skin hurts! Not sure what is happening hope I am not allergic to something!
Oh and if you steal the recipe let me know what you think.......We love it here......usually only lasts a few hours!