Refill for a 32 oz Febreeze Spray Bottle: 1/8 Cup of Your Favorite Fabric Softener 2 Tablespoons Baking Soda Hot Tap Water - To Fill the Bottle to the Top Shake it up in your Spray Bottle and you're ready to go and fight those Stinky Dog Odors!
Which linked back to this recipe...
Febreeze for Less What You Need: 2 cups warm water 1/4 cup liquid fabric softener 1 tsp. baking soda Simply mix these three ingredients together in a spray bottle, shake well, and get spraying! The great part about this recipe (aside from how well it works and how much money you can save) is that the scent isn't terribly strong or overpowering. Our home smells like clean laundry for a short time, then the scent quickly dissipates taking any bad smells with it!
I will be making this for sure and trying it out. Has anyone used a recipe like this before? Have any tips for me???
I have also found a recipe for homemade liquid/powder laundry detergent. Have you made it before do you love it hate it? Have a great recipe? Sent me any feed back before I get into deep! Hope you week all goes well.