Sunday, October 28, 2012

Meal Plan {Oct 29th - Nov 4th}

Sorry I have been MIA for a few weeks I ended up getting the flu and then have been insanely busy with life and my classes.

Last week was a busy week...
Monday - We ate at LOCAL (Kids had what ever) then went to John Pinette
Tuesday - DQ, I had a budget meeting
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday - Retirement dinner - Kids slept at a friends
Sunday - Paprika Chicken w/ Mashed Potatoes and Corn

This week is busy till Halloween then hopefully life slows down....
Monday - Chicken Burritos w/raw veg
Tuesday - Spaghetti Sauce in Slow Cooker
Wednesday - Take - out
Thursday - Eat Out we have Dance, Soccer & a Meeting
Friday - Left Overs - Freezer eating
Saturday - Meatballs
Sunday - Turkey Breast with potatoes

Well off to finish watching the Walking Dead....All I can saw for this episode is WOWOWOW!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Meal Plan {Oct 8th - Oct 14th}

This past weeks pretty boring meals....(just realized we didn't veer from the plan this week, yeah us!

Monday – Hamburger Helper (USA) - Chicken Enchilada plus my additions of veggies
Tuesday – Slowcooker Meat balls with rice and left over potatoes
Wednesday – Taco's
Thursday – Subway we have an hour between dance and soccer....healthy but yummy!
Friday -  Fish and fries
Saturday – Homemade pizza all the way down to the crust.....yummy! (Family picture day)
Sunday – Thanksgiving suppppppper....yum!

Monday - Left overs from turkey day
Tueasday - Grilled Cheese and Soup (Dad  cooks)
Wednesday - Chicken/Turkey Tater Tot cheesy casserole
Thursday - Spaghetti & Meat Sauce
Friday - Calgary Supper out then Justen Bieber concert
Saturday - Nachos
Sunday - Grilled or baked Chicken w/Potatoes and veggies

I have some new recipes to share and I have been back to scrapbooking this long weekend and finishes 4 pages. Look at me go!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Clean Apples

As some of you know I frequent www.lynnskitchenadventures.comand I found this on her one post.....
It is all about removing wax from your apples and as some of you know I have OCD when it comes to alot of things and this is one.....I cannot wait to try it with the apples I bought yesterday.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Meal Plan {Oct 1 - Oct 7}

Monday – Easy Cheesy Chicken & Veggie Gnocchi Bake ( new recipe) & Salad
Tuesday – Leftovers from Sunday and Monday
Wednesday –Meatloaf ( & noodles with veggies and dip
Thursday – Taco's Wendy's Friday –Free Day (Again - see a pattern??? ;-) )Perogies just me and the girl Saturday –Crispy Chicken Burgers with fresh cut fries Houstons Pizza....girl and I spent the afternoon at the spa
Sunday – Steak BBQ'dCrispy Chicken Burgers and baked Potatoes.

This week is pretty boring....
Monday – Hamburger Helper (USA) - Chicken Enchilada plus my additions of veggies
Tuesday – Slowcooker Meat balls with rice and left over potatoes
Wednesday – Taco's
Thursday – Subway we have an hour between dance and soccer....healthy but yummy!
Friday -  Fish and fries
Saturday – Homemade pizza all the way down to the crust.....yummy! (Family picture day)
Sunday – Thanksgiving suppppppper....yum!

This my first week being back at home so hope I can get a few menu's done up for us now that we have our soccer schedule.