1 box of Sugar Free Jello (We used Strawberry I think)
1 box of Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding
Lg tub of Cool Whip
1 Graham Crust
Prepare Jello with 1 1/2 cup Milk
2/3 cup boiling water + Jello mix till dissolved add a few ice cubes to cool it down (remove unmelted ones)
Mix the 2 together add in roughly 2 cups of Cool Whip. Pour into crust. There will be extra Unless you made you own crust in a nice deep dish plate. We add the extra to little dishes for lunches.
Put in fridge for 4+ hours. You can freeze it but you need to eat it ASAP!
Here is a link to the original recipe we tried about a month ago....http://www.kraftcanada.com/en/recipes/cool-n-easy-mousse-107197.aspx
If you try either let me know what concoction you come up with?
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