Our appointment today went well. And we rushed home to vote in our election. Slightly stressed on who to vote for but we did vote and well our vote didn't really help and its gonna be a long few years till we can get someone in to help bring our community out of the dark ages! OH well.
Sooooooo tonight I finally get on Facebook and the posts about Bin Laden and the election are super sickening. I mean yes we all have the right to complain but really some of the people really need to stop and think before they hit the keyboard or open their mouths. Not sure if these people are uneducated or just plain stupid....gah! WOW! After I posted my thought basically saying people need to take a moment to think about what they say.....I feel so so so much better. THEN I read this.....
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that"
- Martin Luther King, Jr
Yes morn the loss, but yes celebrate the enemy that is now gotten what he deserves. Those poor families that never got their family members back to say goodbye....they had no closure. And do you really think us sitting around singing song of love and peace are going to stop the ones that are still here trained to continue on with 'his' hate? Ummm yah no. I am so proud of all the military Canadian, American, British.....any that are taking the time to do what they can to protect us and risk their lives every day! Thank you....Cara, Lil, Bethany, and all my friends that are either serving or holding down the fort back home praying for the safe return of their men!
Ok off my soap box now....stay tuned tomorrow I should be back as I am a day behind on my 1st day of the 31 Day Challenge!! (Altho I have Dance, soccer, & work tomorrow)
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