Yesterday I got to make a meal plan/shopping clipboard. It is super cute and was super quick to make and super cheap. 2 pieces of scrapbooking paper (one was .79 and the other was $1.69 I think), a dollar store clipboard $1.25, Modge Podge (already had at home so pennies) and paint (again had at home pennies)
How cute is that hanging on my kitchen wall! going to be even more cute in my shopping cart!
In case you didn't know I Love me some sock monkey! LOL! Also did you know you can Modge Podge ribbon??? I didn't but it totally works! SWEET!
So while at the dollar store I found some plastic sleeves that are open on 2 sides and sealed on 2 sides. I think there are 12 in the pack for 1.25 not bad. Seem to be good quality too. So my plan was to put the menu plan in and then with wet erase markers mark off my groceries. So far it seems pretty good!
Day 2 Supper Sausage and Potatoes....another keeper. Only thing I changed added fried onions and orange peppers also fried the sausage a bit add something I like the crispy bits!.
So how is your new year going? Baby steps like us???
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