Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012 Menu Plan {January 2nd - 8th}

Well here it is 2012 and can't for the life of me remember the last time I posted here! Well I am back and first order of business is meal plans/menu plan. I have done a plan when the kids were smaller and since they have gotten busier so have I and so I have let thing slide.

Well with a new year and a new job (I started at the beginning of December) many new things will be changing in our house! 1. Menu/meals 2. Chores 3. Housekeeping 4. Selling (Stuff we out grow or do not use anymore!) 5. Decorate/organize (I know they don't seem to fit together but just go with it!) So those are my top 5 for now.

So a friend facebooked (is that a word?) me asking what my plan is. So here I go.... I do a 6 day plan and its not set in stone...flexibility is the name of the day to either eat out or to have left overs. 
These are all new to use recipes (except Sunday) too so I am sure some will stay some will go!

I am also using this sheet for the first time as well. I think it will work quite well I may even laminate it and use erasable marker (you know the kind you need water to remove not dry erase ones!) Then it will be good to use over and over and I can take it shopping and it won't get destroyed.


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